Lyrics | Hannah Montana Lyrics | The Climb Lyrics

The Climb happens to be a song that both me and Melveen like so we decided that the first song that we're gonna comment about is gonna be this one. My road to liking this song was a bit tricky though. In the beginning, in the first 2 weeks i started listening to this song, i totally hated it, but my fren Amir totally fell in love with it. Everytime we meet up he'll be praising the song and i'll be trashing it lol. But i decided to at least give the song a bit of chance after much persuasion from Amir's part and i totally loved it as well! lol big suprise haha. N the music video was sorta nice also. N when we went to watch Hannah Montana: The Movie, thanks to The Climb, Vanessa Williams and Tyra Banks, we found that the song was so so so much better in the movie scene than with the music video. Amir and I were both teary eyed by the end of the movie.. So sad...

Lol but one major thing adds personal values to me and Amir about the song lol. As usual, one day when we were both talking abt the song, Amir made a joke i will remember every time i listen to the song ever again lol. In the song lyric, Miley sings that she's gonna have to face lots of obstacles n struggle to reach her destination and also that the destination doesn't exactly matter but her persistance does. Amir is actually a bit plump and u can say heavy. So when Amir goes up the mountain, he falls back rolling downhill and sings "It's not about what's on the other side, It's the climb" coz he can never see the other side anyway. Hahahaha...

Amir before his haircut. Don't worry he looks better now..


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